Parks 2035 Survey

The City of Gresham is updating it Parks, Recreation, Trails & Natural Areas System plan (Gresham Parks 2035) to improve its parks and recreation services, amenities and facilities. Through this process, the City will use the results of this questionnaire, along with other ongoing and previous engagement efforts to help the City create a roadmap and priorities for the parks and recreation system over the next 10 years.

Help shape the future of Gresham Parks! Take the survey and share your input. Then share the survey with your family, friends, and neighbors. The more we hear from you, the better we can shape our parks future.


How often do you or a member of your household visit one of the parks, recreation facilities, trails or natural areas in Gresham?


Thinking of the parks, recreation facilities, trails or natural areas you visit, what would make them even better for you and/or members of your household? (select all that apply)


What prevents you from visiting parks, recreation facilities, trails or natural areas more frequently? (select all that apply)


Which of the following are needed in Gresham? (select all that apply)


If the City does not have enough money to pay for all the things you would like to see, what would you like to see prioritized for funding? (select up to three choices)

Optional demographic questions

These next demographic questions are to help make sure that we are reaching all members of our community. The City will not share any identifying information submitted. Demographic information collected is only used to gauge the representation of survey participants and prevent duplicate survey entries.

Select option


How do you identify your gender?


Which of the below best describes your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)


What is your age?