Community Goals and Priorities Survey

We're branching out to gather your thoughts to help spruce up our Tree Code. Your input will help create a shared community vision for our urban canopy and guide the update of our city's tree policies to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of trees in our community. 

Images of trees throughout Gresham

What's your vision for Gresham's trees?  Let’s get to the root of the matter together! 


How much do you value having trees in our city?


How would you describe the ideal tree canopy coverage for our city? 

Wildlife Habitat: City trees are homes for birds, insects, and wildlife, creating a diverse environment where residents can connect with nature.
Urban Heat Reduction: Trees provide shade and cooling, reducing heat island effects and lowering summer temperatures.
Increased Street Safety: Trees along streets can help reduce traffic speed, clearly define the street edge for drivers, and provide a traffic safety barrier for pedestrians on sidewalks.
Energy Conservation: Trees near buildings save energy by providing shade in summer and acting as windbreaks in winter.
Community Vibrancy: Trees make the city look nicer and create inviting places for people to gather and socialize.
Healthy Living: Being around trees lowers disease risk and stress, supporting happier and healthier lives.
Increased Property Values: Trees make neighborhoods look nicer and can increase property values in areas with well-maintained greenery.
Stormwater Management: Trees soak up rainwater and limit flooding by reducing stormwater flowing over roads.
Improved Air Quality: Trees help clean the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen.

Of the benefits listed above, what are the top three most important ones for our community? (select up to three) 


What concerns or issues have you encountered with trees in the city? (check all that apply)

Tree canopy

Examples of similar residential areas with different amounts of tree canopy.

Examples of similar residential areas with different amounts of tree canopy.

Gresham's tree canopy:

Map of Gresham's tree canopy density

Gresham’s tree canopy cover varies widely across the city, ranging from areas with very few trees to those with abundant canopy. Many neighborhoods with fewer trees (but not all) also have higher numbers of residents experiencing poverty. Additionally, these areas typically have noticeably higher temperatures during the summer months compared to areas with more trees. These factors are essential considerations in understanding the community's goals and needs for trees across our city. 






What is the ideal tree balance in our varied residential neighborhoods? 


What is the ideal tree balance in our city centers (Downtown, Civic, and Rockwood)? 

Project Vision  

Early community feedback has led to a draft project vision stating that: 

Gresham has a thriving and equitably distributed tree canopy that supports climate resiliency and healthy living. 


Do you agree with this vision for trees in our community?

Thriving canopy (There are healthy trees across the city)
Equitably distributed (There will still be varied levels of canopy, but all areas enjoy the benefits of trees)
Climate resiliency (trees help the city and its residents adapt to changing climates and severe weather events)
Healthy living (trees support community health and wellbeing.)

How important are tree regulations to achieving the vision of a thriving and equitably distributed tree canopy in Gresham? 

Optional demographic questions

These next demographic questions are to help make sure that we are reaching all members of our community. The City will not share any identifying information submitted. Demographic information collected is only used to gauge the representation of survey participants and prevent duplicate survey entries.

Select option


How do you identify your gender?


Which of the below best describes your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)


What is your age?