Transportation System Plan Project

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Do you have an opinion about how you and your neighbors get around the city?

The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a blueprint for how people get around Gresham, whether by biking, walking, driving or taking public transit.

The plan impacts what transportation projects the City can focus on.

The current transportation plan has goals set through the year 2035. You have the chance to help shape the next steps of the plan that will guide City transportation until 2045.

Get your opinion heard

  • Provide comments on the Policy Goals and Projects memos in the forum at the bottom of this page. Feedback can also be emailed to

  • Review the interactive maps below and tell us what projects are most important to you.

  • Look for us at fall events

    • Gresham Farmer's Market 10/5

    • Rockwood People's Market 10/13

Current Transportation System Plan goals

  • Provide choices for people about how they get where they need to go.
  • Offer healthy and active ways to travel.
  • Design a transportation system that is safe and efficient.
  • Boost economic growth.
  • Reduce pollution and take care of the environment.

Updated Transportation System Plan goals

  • Increase accessibility and inclusion within transportation in all areas of the plan.
  • Lower the impact transportation has on the climate and increase eco-friendly options.
  • Focus on safety by reviewing what we do now and how it can improve.
  • Explore the use of new technology, like bike sharing or electric scooters.

Read the current Transportation System Plan.

Project timeline

TSP project timeline

Help us plan

Over the next year, we want to hear from you and other community members, businesses and visitors to Gresham. Share your feedback below through our interactive map and survey.

Do you have an opinion about how you and your neighbors get around the city?

The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a blueprint for how people get around Gresham, whether by biking, walking, driving or taking public transit.

The plan impacts what transportation projects the City can focus on.

The current transportation plan has goals set through the year 2035. You have the chance to help shape the next steps of the plan that will guide City transportation until 2045.

Get your opinion heard

  • Provide comments on the Policy Goals and Projects memos in the forum at the bottom of this page. Feedback can also be emailed to

  • Review the interactive maps below and tell us what projects are most important to you.

  • Look for us at fall events

    • Gresham Farmer's Market 10/5

    • Rockwood People's Market 10/13

Current Transportation System Plan goals

  • Provide choices for people about how they get where they need to go.
  • Offer healthy and active ways to travel.
  • Design a transportation system that is safe and efficient.
  • Boost economic growth.
  • Reduce pollution and take care of the environment.

Updated Transportation System Plan goals

  • Increase accessibility and inclusion within transportation in all areas of the plan.
  • Lower the impact transportation has on the climate and increase eco-friendly options.
  • Focus on safety by reviewing what we do now and how it can improve.
  • Explore the use of new technology, like bike sharing or electric scooters.

Read the current Transportation System Plan.

Project timeline

TSP project timeline

Help us plan

Over the next year, we want to hear from you and other community members, businesses and visitors to Gresham. Share your feedback below through our interactive map and survey.

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TSP Corridor Project Map

4 months

Yellow - Projects Stay on List

Orange - Projects Partially Funded or Constructed

Green - Project Constructed or Fully Funded

Grey - Project No Longer Needed

Click on the lines and dots on this map to learn more about each project.   Drop a pin to leave your feedback!   

Share TSP Bicycle Projects on Facebook Share TSP Bicycle Projects on Twitter Share TSP Bicycle Projects on Linkedin Email TSP Bicycle Projects link

TSP Bicycle Projects

4 months

Yellow - Projects Stay on List

Orange - Projects Partially Funded or Constructed

Click on the lines and dots on this map to learn more about each project.   Drop a pin to leave your feedback!   

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TSP Intersection Projects

4 months

Yellow - Projects Stay on List

Orange - Projects Partially Funded or Constructed

Green - Project Constructed or Fully Funded

Grey - Project No Longer Needed

Click on the lines and dots on this map to learn more about each project.   Drop a pin to leave your feedback!   

Share TSP Pedestrian Projects on Facebook Share TSP Pedestrian Projects on Twitter Share TSP Pedestrian Projects on Linkedin Email TSP Pedestrian Projects link

TSP Pedestrian Projects

4 months

Yellow - Projects Stay on List

Orange - Projects Partially Funded or Constructed

Green - Project Constructed or Fully Funded

Grey - Project No Longer Needed

Click on the lines and dots on this map to learn more about each project.   Drop a pin to leave your feedback!   

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Identifying traffic challenges

7 months

Using the pins, please tell us what transportation issues you’ve noticed in your community on the map. Click on the plus sign button to access pins.

  • Where do you notice people speeding? (Red pin)
  • Where are you concerned about safety for people walking, biking, or taking the bus/MAX? (Orange pin)
  • Where are you concerned about safety for people driving? (Blue pin)

You will have the ability to add any details you would like to share with us on your concern(s) at this location, once you drop your pin on the map.

Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024, 02:38 PM