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Do you have an opinion about how you and your neighbors get around the city?
The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a blueprint for how people get around Gresham, whether by biking, walking, driving or taking public transit.
The plan impacts what transportation projects the City can focus on.
The current transportation plan has goals set through the year 2035. You have the chance to help shape the next steps of the plan that will guide City transportation until 2045.
Transportation System Plan Online Open House
What projects would you fund to improve Gresham transportation? Get involved with the Transportation System Plan Online Open House. Read about different project types and their costs and benefits through February 28. Submit your comments.
Over the next year, we want to hear from you and other community members, businesses and visitors to Gresham. Share your feedback below through our interactive map and survey.
Do you have an opinion about how you and your neighbors get around the city?
The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a blueprint for how people get around Gresham, whether by biking, walking, driving or taking public transit.
The plan impacts what transportation projects the City can focus on.
The current transportation plan has goals set through the year 2035. You have the chance to help shape the next steps of the plan that will guide City transportation until 2045.
Transportation System Plan Online Open House
What projects would you fund to improve Gresham transportation? Get involved with the Transportation System Plan Online Open House. Read about different project types and their costs and benefits through February 28. Submit your comments.
Over the next year, we want to hear from you and other community members, businesses and visitors to Gresham. Share your feedback below through our interactive map and survey.
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